Mwaniko Ward

Mugan Secondary School

The Mwaniko Ward and Mugan Secondary School are our newest partners, and we couldn’t be more excited to be working with these great communities!

The existing secondary school for this community serves a large area and population resulting in an overcrowded school where students were forced to walk long distances. In 2021, we partnered with the greater Mwaniko community to build a new secondary school. Between the community, ASAP, and the Tanzanian government’s efforts, in just a year the school now is home to 11 classrooms, 4 student toilets, rainwater catchment and safe water cisterns, and new student desks!

There’s a lot of work still to be done, but working side by side with this dedicated community, we’ll see this school completed in no time!

New School

Students Expected


Water systems


Teacher training

Teaching resources

Community engagement