Girls’ Education

Kupanda Project for Girls

We know that the benefits of educating girls are indisputable.

Educated girls and women marry later, have fewer children, are healthier and have healthier families, they make more money and reinvest it in their families and communities, are more likely to educate their children, and ultimately are the key to breaking the cycle of poverty.

Yet, girls in rural sub-Saharan Africa continue to face countless and overwhelming challenges when it comes to secondary school education.  They walk long distances to school and often risk attack or rape; they face myriad harmful social and gender norms; they bear unequal domestic responsibilities; and they simply aren’t taught to believe in all that they are capable of.

To address these problems, ASAP’s programs prioritize girls’ education.  Secondary age girls face some of the the greatest challenges, so we created the Kupanda Project for Girls – a comprehensive support program that breaks down every barrier standing between them and a quality education.

The Kupanda Project for Girls is a dormitory-based support program that provides under one roof:

  • Safe housing
  • Health education & access to menstrual health management products
  • After-school tutoring
  • Adequate nutrition & safe water
  • Educational resources
  • Computer labs and STEM training
  • A four-year leadership, entrepreneurship, & empowerment curriculum
  • Scholarships for advanced study

It’s working.

Secondary Completion Rate for Girls in Rural Areas0%

The Kupanda Project for Girls Completion Rate0%

The outcomes

Improved secondary completion rate for girls

Improved health

Increased self-confidence & agency

Increased attendance

Improved matriculation rates

Improved leadership skills